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[Drama/Independent] Marvin's Room (1080p HD) [马文的房间] |
![]() Genre: Drama Released: 1996 © 2011 Miramax Plot Summary Leonardo DiCaprio drives an electrifying performance as the criminally rebellious son in this funny and stirring tale of one family's humor and heartache. Seventeen years ago, fiercely independent Lee (Meryl Streep) left home ... and left behind her kindhearted sister Bessie (Diane Keaton) to care for their father, Marvin (Hume Cronyn). But now Lee is returning with her teenage son (DiCaprio), for a homecoming that's sure to turn the entire household upside down! 剧情简介 中年妇女贝西(黛安·基顿 Diane Keaton 饰)的大半生都用来照顾两位年老的亲人:患中风的父亲马文和脾气古怪的姑妈鲁思。现在,贝西自己也患上了血癌,唯一生存的希望是近亲中有人提供骨髓。无奈的贝西只好与20年来没有联系的姐姐李(梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)联络。李是个单身母亲,她并不想与贝西见面,但想到能借此暂时撇开儿子汉克(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio 饰)在家里纵火引起的烦恼,还是带着儿子回到佛罗里达的老家。姐妹刚见面时情绪还不错,但时间一久,过去的种种不快又开始作祟。而且住过精神病院的汉克不愿做骨髓化验,伤了贝西的心。后来,汉克与贝西的关系奇迹般地好了起来,并且使两姐妹之间的亲情得以恢复…… https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/marvins-room/id432468071
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