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[Thriller/Horror] Ronin (1080p HD) [浪人] |
![]() Genre: Thriller Released: 1998 © 1998 United Artists Pictures, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Plot Summary John Frankenheimer directed this $20 million international action thriller from a screenplay by Richard Weisz (pseudonym for David Mamet) and J.D. Zeik. In Paris, Irish organizer Deidre (Natascha McElhone) assembles a team to grab a mysterious briefcase from criminals. They are never told who hired them or the true identity of their targets. The hired specialists: Former CIA officer Sam (Robert De Niro), former Euro intelligence agent Vincent (Jean Reno), German electronics expert Gregor (Stellan Skarsgard), driver Larry (Skip Sudduth), and British weapons wrangler Spence (Sean Bean). After a Seine shootout, the action moves to the South of France, with a recon mission in Cannes, and a chase that brings everyone to Nice. Inevitable betrayals ensue, along with more pursuits. 剧情简介 一支由特种部队的退伍军人组成的神秘小组正在郊外的一间仓库接受雇主任务,他们个个身怀绝技,山姆(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)是前中情局官员、文森特(让·雷诺 Jean Reno 饰)为前欧洲情报局官员、格雷戈(斯特兰·斯卡斯加德 Stellan Skarsgård 饰)则是德国电子专家,同时还有英国武器专家史宾斯(肖恩·宾 Sean Bean 饰)和司机拉里。小组受命要袭击一支全副武装的车队并劫下一只神秘的公文包。经过一系列激烈追逐和枪战,小组总算拿到了箱子,却不料格雷戈竟然背叛了组织,携公文包潜逃并试图将其兜售给俄罗斯。然而,在随后的追回箱子过程中,背叛似乎如诅咒般笼罩着小组,在一次次胆战心惊的追逐和辗转之下,成员们再也已无法分辨站在面前的是敌是友…… https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/ronin/id220257443
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