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[Drama/Independent] Rocky Balboa (1080p HD) [洛奇6:永远的拳王]

发表于 2016-4-25 09:01:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Genre: Drama
Released: 2006
© 2006 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc., Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. and Revolution Studios Distribution Company, LLC. All rights reserved.
Plot Summary
Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) has now been retired for some time, but hard-up for money, he decides to step back into the ring against a few small-time boxers. Everything changes, through, when Rocky is offered the opportunity to step in with the reigning Heavyweight Champion, Mason "The Line" Dixon. Does Rocky still have what it takes to make another championship comeback?
  转眼30年过去,往日的荣光渐渐不再。曾经的传奇拳王洛奇(西尔维斯特·史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone 饰)生活平淡乏味,心爱的妻子亚德里安(Talia Shire 饰)因癌症去世,自己与儿子的关系又分外紧张,他终日坐在所开的小餐馆里追忆往昔,谁也不会想到这位拳王退休后的人生竟如此落寞。
  是时,新一代的拳王横空出世,年轻的梅森·迪克逊(Antonio Tarver 饰)统治者重量级冠军的头衔。在体育频道工作的波利(Burt Young 饰)突发奇想,策划了一场新老两代拳王的世纪对决。梅森渴望在比赛中向拳迷们证明自己的实力,洛奇则希望在此感受万众欢呼呐喊的狂热气氛,他们怀着各自的心愿重返拳台……
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