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[Drama/Independent] The Golden Bowl (1080p HD) [金色情挑] |
Storyline Adam Verver, a US billionaire in London, dotes on daughter Maggie, an innocent abroad. An impecunious Italian, Prince Amerigo, marries her even though her best friend, Charlotte Stant, an alabaster beauty with brains, no money, and a practical and romantic nature, is his lover. She and Amerigo keep it secret from Maggie that they know each other, so Maggie interests her widowed father in Charlotte, who is happy with the match because she wants to be close to Amerigo. Charlotte desires him, the lovers risk discovery, Amerigo longs for Italy, Maggie wants to spare her father pain, and Adam wants to return to America to build a museum. Amidst lies and artifice, what fate awaits adulterers? 剧情简介 19世纪的英格兰上流社会,两对夫妻卷入一场几近乱 伦的复杂关系。艾墨雷哥是位贫穷的意大利贵族,迎娶了美国富豪亚当将军的千金─玛姬,而夏绿蒂不仅是玛姬的挚友,更是艾墨雷哥的昔日恋人,当亚当将军续弦娶了夏绿蒂为妻,同住一个屋檐下的复杂关系,将所有情感紧紧缠绕在一起…。 某日,玛姬买下一只古董金钵作为父亲生日的贺礼,却愕然从中察觉继母与丈夫过去的恋情,一时间猜忌、谎言…排山倒海而来,原本天真无邪的她,面对这样的冲击时,却不忍让总是将她摆在第一位的父亲知道。 但亚当也不是省油的灯,早就心生怀疑的他,默不作声也是保护玛姬不受伤害的做法。原来 夏绿蒂 和艾墨雷哥的关系,也不全然出于对婚姻的背叛,亚当和玛姬两父女间的相爱与默契,其实也让他们感到空虚寂寞,四人之间其实彼此有情有爱,一时之间,谎言似乎神圣了起来…。 本片改编自【 欲望之翼 】作家亨利詹姆斯的另一著作,善以悲剧收尾的亨利,本篇因其难得的Happy Ending,被比喻为他的最佳著作,片中上流社会的奢华场面,服装设计以【窗外有蓝天】获奥斯卡金像奖的John Bright约翰布莱特表现亦相当亮眼。
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