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[Comedy/Holiday] Walk of Shame (1080p HD) [蒙羞之旅] |
![]() Genre: Comedy Released: 2014 © 2013 Focus Features. All Rights Reserved. Plot Summary Elizabeth Banks and James Marsden star in the outrageously funny comedy, Walk of Shame. After losing an audition for her dream job, an aspiring Los Angeles TV news anchor goes out for an uncharacteristic night of partying. She awakes in a stranger's bed to a phone message from her agent telling her the job is hers, if she can make it across town by 5 pm. Stranded in an unknown area without money, a phone, and a car, she embarks on a series of misadventures as she races to the most important job interview of her life. 剧情简介 当你搞砸了好不容易得来的宝贵机会,面对排山倒海而来的挫败和失落感,你会做出怎样的应对呢?一心想成为著名主持人的梅根(伊丽莎白·班克斯 Elizabeth Banks 饰)觉得是时候来一场喧闹而又疯狂的派对了。 在派对上,梅根遇见了名为戈登(詹姆斯·麦斯登 James Marsden 饰),两人之间眉来眼去,温度火速上升,一个充满了浪漫和激情的夜晚就在眼前!春宵一夜过后,来自经纪人的电话将还沉醉在粉色气息之中的梅根拉回了现实,一个工作上一举成名的大好机会到来了。然而,此时的梅根才发现,自己的车被拖走,钱包和所有证件全都随之而去。眼看着面试时间就要到来,能否准时出现在面试现场还是个问题的梅根能够抓住这次千载难逢的转机吗? https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/walk-of-shame/id854343701
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