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[Sci-Fi & Fantasy] Where the Wild Things Are (2009) (1080p HD) [野兽家园] |
![]() Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy Released: 2009 © 2009 KLG Film Invest GmbH. All Rights Reserved. Plot Summary Innovative director Spike Jonze collaborates with celebrated author Maurice Sendak to bring one of the most beloved books of all time to the big screen in "Where the Wild Things Are," a classic story about childhood and the places we go to figure out the world we live in. The film tells the story of Max, a rambunctious and sensitive boy who feels misunderstood at home and escapes to where the Wild Things are. Max lands on an island where he meets mysterious and strange creatures whose emotions are as wild and unpredictable as their actions. The Wild Things desperately long for a leader to guide them, just as Max longs for a kingdom to rule. When Max is crowned king, he promises to create a place where everyone will be happy. Max soon finds, though, that ruling his kingdom is not so easy and his relationships there prove to be more complicated than he originally thought. 剧情简介 本片改编于美国插画作家莫里斯•桑达克(Maurice Sendak)1963年出版的同名儿童画书。 小男孩马克斯(马克斯•莱克兹 Max Records)精力旺盛无处发泄,不满姐姐克莱尔(派媲塔•艾莫里琪丝 Pepita Emmerichs 饰)的忽视和妈妈(凯瑟琳•基纳 Catherine Keener 饰)的管教。在一次与妈妈的争吵中,马克斯离家狂奔而去,到河边独自驾驶小船,在海面航行了两天两夜,到达了一个神秘岛屿。岛上生活着一群头上长角、身材高大的毛绒绒怪物们,它们有的脾气暴躁,有的性情温顺,还有的胆小怕事。为了不被吃掉,马克斯骗怪物们说自己是维京人的国王,来到岛上也要当它们的国王。单纯的怪物们相信了马克斯,兴高采烈的奉他为王,在岛上建筑新居。但令马克斯意外的,却是名叫卡罗的怪兽(詹姆斯•甘多费尼 James Gandolfini 配音)与怪兽KW(劳伦•艾波罗丝Lauren Ambrose 配音)之间的矛盾…… https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... re-2009/id342913806
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