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[Comedy/Holiday] The Trip to Italy (1080p HD) [意大利之旅] |
![]() Genre: Comedy Released: 2014 © Trip Films Ltd 2014 About the Movie Michael Winterbottom's largely improvised 2010 film, The Trip, took comedians Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon—or semifictionalized versions thereof—on a restaurant tour around northern England. In this witty and incisive follow-up, Winterbottom reunites the pair for a new culinary road trip, retracing the steps of the Romantic poets' grand tour of Italy and indulging in some sparkling banter and impersonation-offs. Rewhetting our palates from the earlier film, the characters enjoy mouthwatering meals in gorgeous settings from Liguria to Capri while riffing on subjects as varied as Batman's vocal register, the artistic merits of "Jagged Little Pill," and, of course, the virtue of sequels. Winterbottom trains his camera to capture the idyllic Italian landscape and the gastronomic treasures being prepared and consumed while keeping the film centered on the crackling chemistry between the two leads. The Trip to Italy effortlessly melds the brilliant comic interplay between Coogan and Brydon into quieter moments of self-reflection, letting audiences into their insightful ruminations on the nuances of friendship and the juggling of family and career. The result is a biting portrait of modern-day masculinity. 导演: 迈克尔·温特伯顿 编剧: 迈克尔·温特伯顿 主演: 史蒂夫·库根 / 罗伯·布莱顿 / 罗茜·费尔纳 / Claire Keelan / 玛塔·巴里奥 / 更多... 类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 制片国家/地区: 英国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2014-08-21(荷兰) / 2014-08-15(美国) 片长: 108分钟 剧情简介 《意大利之旅》是迈克尔·温特伯顿2010年电影《旅途》(The Trip)的续集,新片中,史蒂夫·库根和罗伯·布莱顿从英国湖区前往地中海,开始他们的沿途美食之旅。 两位老朋友,六顿大餐,一个有着美食和美景的国家。库根认为他们将在这部电影里“开车经过生命中从未见过的最引人入胜的风景,我们俩只能通过不断地聒噪来抒发我们心中的震惊。” 影片中的一些场景,库根以汤姆·哈迪(曾主演《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》)的形象出场,这被视为“对电影《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》善意的逗弄和模仿”。影片将于8月15日在瑞典和美国同时上映 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... 1598?ign-mpt=uo%3D4
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