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[Kids & Family] The Boy and the Beast (Subtitled) (1080p HD) [小男孩与怪兽] |
![]() Genre: Anime Released: 2015 About the Movie When a young orphan living on the streets of Shibuya, stumbles into a fantastic world of beasts, he’s taken in by a rough-around-the-edges warrior beast that’s been searching for the perfect apprentice. Despite their bickering, the two slowly form a bond as surrogate father and son. But when deep darkness threatens their worlds, the bond they share will be put to the ultimate test. 导演: Jonnanes Weiland / Uwe Heidschotter 类型: 动画 制片国家/地区: 德国 语言: 德语 上映日期: 2009 剧情简介 每一个破裂的家庭,都有一段不堪回首的过去。恬静自然的公园内,男孩和宠物小狗快乐玩耍,而后面则跟着一头身穿连衣裙、体型庞大的怪兽。那是男孩的母亲,因离婚而变得精神恍惚,无心家事,脾气自然如狰狞的外貌一般阴晴不定。男孩不得已只能承担起他和母亲的吃穿用度,当然这也并非全无好处,进了超市他可以随便选择喜欢的糖果,而不会被母亲碎碎念。夜幕降临,怪兽母亲坐在桌前,翻检一张张从前留下美好记忆的照片,深陷其中,不能自拔。异变的不止是母亲,每逢周末来接他到外玩耍的父亲也同样变成怪兽,见了母亲永远怒气冲冲、杀气腾腾。 男孩想尽一切办法,只为能让母亲恢复曾经的模样…… https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... titled/id1212607651
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